Firelands Electric believes in doing the job “right” from the beginning. Our part of your project should seamlessly integrate with all other systems. Whether you need flexibility or consistent performance over the long term, we can help you put together a powerful solution for your electrical needs using our wide range of electrical services.
- Buildings
- Conveyors
- Instrumentation/DSC
- Machinery
- Ovens and RTO
- Automation
- Robots
- Food plants
- Refineries
- Distribution centers
- Maintenance
- Clean rooms

Charter Steel, Cleveland, Ohio
Lorain Office
7495 Industrial ParkwayLorain, OH 44053
Phone: 440-989-8200
Fax: 440-989-8202
Sandusky Office
2721 Columbus Ave.Sandusky, OH 44870
Phone: 419-626-4908
Fax: 419-626-4397